Monday, May 27, 2013

Dear Diary,
            Lately I have been thinking a lot about the times before the crash. I miss tea time as well as the wonderful aroma of the meals cooked daily by my mom. If only I knew wether or not my mom and  dad were alive. I play around in the waters and lead the group as if nothing is wrong, but really I miss my family, friends, and home so very badly.
             I am scared of the future here on this island. I was once leader and had the final say, but now I am treated as if i am a spec of dirt, to be stamped over... Jack has gone completely crazy he has nearly bribed all the boys on to his tribe just because of some meat. I need to come to an understanding with him but it is unlikely that logic will make it through his thick skull, especially after what he did to Simon. I am afraid he has gone completely insane... 

PS: I will come back to update soon...
All control, lost...

Man and Beast, is there a difference...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We have established that half the island is good and filled with hope, but the other desolate hopeless endless...

The things you find in the forest...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Dear Diary,
            Its Ralph again. I am extremely frustrated and everything seems to be falling apart including the shelters built by Simon and I. Piggy is really getting on my nerves, he is always complaining as if I don’t have enough to deal with right now, its not like I just fell out of the sky or anything! Well life goes on but sadly we aren’t so sure if the little boy with the birthmark’s life will go on… Each day I crave for the taste of meat, but for now cooked fruit will have to do. I wish more than anything my dad would appear, but each and everyday my faith stays strong that he will come to rescue us. Even though I know Jack wants power more than anything, we are still able to maintain a steady relationship. Throughout our time here he has been snobby but if anyone is going to feed my hunger for meat I believe it will be him…

List of things I need to do:
  • vKeep the littuns in order
  • v Secure the shelters
  • v Prove there is no beastie
  • v Keep the fire under control
  • v Keep piggy off my back and occupied 
  • v Make sure no one else goes missing…

PS: I am off for another day on this mysterious island, be back as soon as I can…

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Life as a leader
Dear Diary, my name is Ralph. I have found this journal lying on the sand, figured it fell from the plane. I have survived the crash and have hopes that my father will be along soon to rescue me as well as the others. I must admit for the situation I seem to be doing fine but I was with only one other boy Piggy until this afternoon. I had found a conch to signal the others, it worked and many more young boys came along. I am leader and I plan on leading us to safety but there are many pros and cons to this job.
Pros: 1. I make the final call, 2. I have the skills to lead, 3. I am able to create shelter 4. I work well with others.

Cons: 1. I may let people down 2. Others will fight for power 3. Some boys may turn against me.
I have gone from a schoolboy awaiting his arrival home, to a leader on a mysterious island without any adults. What am I supposed to do? After my long journey to the top of the mountain I began to feel more confident that I knew the lay of the land. Hopefully I would not have to call this island my home, but until I am rescued I will lead as well as I can and cope with the situation until then.

PS: I must go, but I will return to write as soon as I have a time between building shelters, as well as Piggy’s complaints…